CA Veh Code Section 42010


For an offense specified in subdivision (b) that is committed by the driver of a vehicle within an area that has been designated as a Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone pursuant to Section 97 and following of the Streets and Highways Code, the fine, in a misdemeanor case, shall be double the amount otherwise prescribed, and, in an infraction case, the fine shall be one category higher than the penalty otherwise prescribed by the uniform traffic penalty schedule established pursuant to Section 40310.


A violation of the following is an offense that is subject to subdivision (a):


Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 21650) of Division 11, relating to driving, overtaking, and passing.


Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 22348) of Division 11, relating to speed limits.


Section 23103, relating to reckless driving.


Section 23104 or 23105, relating to reckless driving that results in bodily injury to another.


Section 23109 or 23109.1, relating to speed contests.


Section 23152, relating to driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, or a violation of Section 23103, as specified in Section 23103.5, relating to alcohol-related reckless driving.


Section 23153, relating to driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, which results in bodily injury to another.


Section 23154, relating to convicted drunk drivers operating a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.01 percent or greater.


Section 23220, relating to drinking while driving.


Section 23221, relating to drinking in a motor vehicle while on the highway.


Section 23222, relating to driving while possessing an open alcoholic beverage container.


Section 23223, relating to being in a vehicle on the highway while possessing an open alcoholic beverage container.


Section 23224, relating to being a driver or passenger under 21 years of age possessing an open alcoholic beverage container.


Section 23225, relating to being the owner or driver of a vehicle in which there is an open alcoholic beverage container.


Section 23226, relating to being a passenger in a vehicle in which there is an open alcoholic beverage container.


This section applies only when traffic controls or warning signs have been placed pursuant to Section 97 or 97.1 of the Streets and Highways Code.


(1)Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the enhanced fine imposed pursuant to this section shall be based only on the base fine imposed for the underlying offense and shall not include any other enhancements imposed pursuant to law.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any additional penalty, forfeiture, or assessment imposed by any other statute shall be based on the amount of the base fine before enhancement or doubling and shall not be based on the amount of the enhanced fine imposed pursuant to this section.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 42010’s source at ca​.gov