In any convenience zone where no recycling location has been established which satisfies the requirements of Section 14571, and in any convenience zone which has exceeded the 60-day period for the establishment of a recycling center pursuant to Section 14571.7, all dealers within that zone shall, until a recycling location has been established in that zone, do one of the following:
Submit to the department an affidavit form provided by the department stating that all of the following standards are being met by the dealer:
The dealer redeems all empty beverage container types at all open cash registers or one designated location on the dealer’s premises, during all hours that the dealer is open for business.
The dealer has posted signs which meet the size and location requirements specified in subdivision (b) of Section 14570, and which conform to paragraph (2) of that subdivision.
The dealer is delivering, or having delivered, all empty beverage containers received from the public to a certified recycling center or processor for recycling.
Pay to the department for deposit in the fund the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) per day until a recycling location is established or until the standards for redemption specified in subdivision (a) are met.