CA Pub Res Code Section 14573


The department shall pay to a processor, for every empty beverage container received by the processor from a certified recycling center, curbside program, or dropoff or collection program, upon presentation of a completed processor invoice accompanied by a shipping report from the supplier of the material, in the form adopted by the department, the sum of all of the following amounts:


The refund value.


Two and one-half percent of the refund value for administrative costs.


The processing payment established pursuant to Section 14575.


The department shall make the payment required in subdivision (a) within two working days of the date that the department is notified of the delivery or within the time determined by the department to be necessary and adequate. If the payment is not made by the Controller to the certified processor within 20 working days of receipt of the claims schedule, the Controller shall pay the processor interest at the current prime lending rate for any period in excess of these 20 working days.

Source: Section 14573, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14573’s source at