CA Ins Code Section 10121


No self-insured employee welfare benefit plan, issued or renewed on or after November 23, 1970, which contains coverage for sterilization operations or procedures, shall impose any disclaimer, restriction on, or limitation of, coverage relative to the covered individual’s reason for sterilization. All those plans entered into or renewed on or after November 23, 1970, shall be construed to be in compliance with this section, and any provision in any plan which is in conflict with this section shall be of no force or effect.


Every self-insured employee welfare benefit plan issued or amended on or after July 1, 1972, which provides benefits to the employee’s dependents, shall contain a provision granting immediate accident and sickness coverage, from and after the moment of birth, to each newborn infant of any family covered and to each minor child placed for adoption from and after the moment the child is placed in the physical custody of the covered family for adoption. No plan may be issued or amended if it contains any disclaimer, waiver, or other limitation of coverage relative to the coverage or insurability of newborn infants of or minor children placed for adoption with a family covered as required by this section. Coverage of minor children placed for adoption with a covered family shall be required only after January 1, 1988.


No self-insured employee welfare benefit plan which provides maternity benefits for a person covered continuously from conception shall be issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state on or after July 1, 1976, if it contains any exclusion, reduction, or other limitations as to coverage, deductibles, or coinsurance provisions as to involuntary complications of pregnancy, unless those provisions apply generally to all benefits paid under the plan. If a fixed amount is specified in the plan for surgery, the fixed amounts for surgical procedures involving involuntary complications of pregnancy shall be commensurate with other fixed amounts payable for procedures of comparable difficulty and severity. In a case where a fixed amount is payable for maternity benefits, involuntary complications of pregnancy shall be deemed an illness and entitled to benefits otherwise provided by the plan. Where the plan contains a maternity deductible, the maternity deductible shall apply only to expenses resulting from normal delivery and cesarean section delivery. However, expenses for cesarean section delivery in excess of the deductible shall be treated as expenses for any other illness under the plan. This subdivision shall apply to all self-insured employee welfare benefit plans except any plan made subject to an applicable collective bargaining agreement in effect before July 1, 1976. For purposes of this subdivision, involuntary complications of pregnancy shall include, but not be limited to, puerperal infection, eclampsia, cesarean section delivery, ectopic pregnancy, and toxemia. All plans subject to this subdivision and issued, amended, delivered, or renewed in this state on or after July 1, 1976, shall be construed to be in compliance with this section, and any provision in any plan which is in conflict with this section shall be of no force or effect.


Every self-insured employee welfare benefit plan issued or amended on or after January 1, 1987, which provides benefits to the employee’s dependents, shall offer a choice to all employees of coverage for comprehensive preventive health care for children.


For purposes of this section, benefits for the comprehensive preventive care of children shall be consistent with the Guidelines for Health Supervision of Children and Youth, as adopted by the American Academy of Pediatrics in May 1982, and provide for the following:


Physician service for routine physical examinations.




Laboratory services in connection with routine physical examinations.


As used in this section, “self-insured employee welfare benefit plan” means any plan or program of benefits provided by an employer or an employee organization, or both, for the purpose of providing hospital, medical, surgical, nursing, or dental services, or indemnification for the costs incurred for those services, to the employer’s employees or their dependents.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 10121’s source at