The secretary, upon consultation with the pome and stone fruit tree, nut tree, olive tree, and grapevine nursery industry, shall appoint a board to assist and advise him or her concerning the implementation of this article.
Membership on the board shall consist of 11 representatives, a majority of whom are licensed producers of pome, stone, nut, olive, and grape nursery stock, but also users and a public member as follows:
Two each from the stone fruit (including almonds) and nut (other than almond) industries.
Four from the grape industry.
One each from the pome fruit and olive
One public representative.
Board members shall represent all areas of the state involved in the production of pome and stone fruit trees, nut trees, olive trees, and grapevines.
The members of the board shall serve for fixed terms of up to two years. The secretary, upon nomination by the industry, may appoint a member for three consecutive terms. The secretary shall reappoint no more than eight of the then-current members of the board within a two-year period.
The board shall meet at least twice a year. The chair or the secretary may call any other meeting when it is deemed necessary by one or both of them. Each member shall be allowed per diem and mileage in accordance with Department of Human Resources rules for attending
any meeting of the board.
The board shall review and make recommendations to the secretary concerning the ongoing operations of the department and the University of California pertaining to this article. This shall include advice on fiscal expenditure, assessments needed to cover costs, and proposals concerning the development of planting materials.