CA Elec Code Section 2190

If the county elections official maintains tabulating cards containing the information set forth in the affidavits of registration of voters, or sets forth that information on electronic data processing tape, he or she shall provide, upon request, not less than 30 days prior to each direct primary election and general election, one set of those cards or a copy of the tape to the county central committee of a party for all voters allowed to participate in the subsequent direct primary election or general election. The county elections official shall also furnish to the county central committee, not less than seven days prior to each direct primary election and general election, one set of those cards or a copy of the tape of those voters who registered after the 54th day before the election. The cards or tape shall be provided without charge, except that the county central committee shall provide a replacement for the tape. In addition to those provided to county central committees, the county elections official shall provide, upon request, a set of cards or a copy of a tape to any candidate or committee specified in Section 2184, provided that the candidate or committee reimburses the county for whatever actual costs are involved in providing this service.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 2190’s source at