CA Elec Code Section 2180


At least once, and more often if he or she deems it necessary, within each two-year period commencing on the first day of January in each odd-numbered year, the county elections official shall have printed a complete index, by precinct, to the affidavits of registration current at the date of printing.


(1)The index shall contain the name, address, residence telephone number if furnished, and political affiliation of each voter, and also a ruled space to the left of each name, within which to write, in figures, the line number designating the position of the name of the voter on the roster of voters.


The name shall include the given name and the middle name or initials, if any. At the affiant’s option, the given name may be preceded by the designation “Miss,” “Ms.,” “Mrs.,” or “Mr.”


The index shall be printed in a size no smaller than eight-point roman type on eight-point body and shall be arranged in alphabetical order in accordance with the surnames of the voters.


A space of not less than one-quarter inch or one line of printing shall be left between the names of voters beginning with one letter of the alphabet and those starting with the next letter of the alphabet.


Supplements of the same content and style may be printed as need for them appears.

Source: Section 2180, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 2180’s source at