Of the federal funds appropriated in Item 6110-126-0890 of Section 2.00 of the annual Budget Act for the Reading First Plan, up to six million six hundred thousand dollars ($6,600,000) may be allocated annually in the following manner:
The sum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) to the reading implementation centers, as identified in the Reading First Plan, to provide technical assistance to local educational agencies for the purpose of enhancing reading instruction. The amount of funding that each reading implementation center receives shall be contingent upon an expenditure plan being submitted to, and reviewed by, the State Department of Education, and being approved by the State Board of Education.
The sum of one million three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,350,000) to the six regional lead agencies established pursuant to Section 51871 for startup costs and to increase capacity in order to become a reading implementation center. The six regional lead agencies need not be identified in the Reading First Plan.
The sum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to be used for all of the following in accordance with the Reading First Plan:
Developing materials and assessments for training teachers.
Ensuring that professional development for teachers and instruction for pupils is consistent in quality and delivery.
Providing assistance to local educational agencies to startup reading implementation centers.