This section of law shall only be operative if subdivision (b) of Section 3.94 of the Budget Act of 2011 is operative. It is the intent of the Legislature for the department to identify up to one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) in General Fund savings from within the overall developmental services system, including any savings or reductions within state administrative support, operation of the developmental centers, and operation of the regional centers, including administration and the purchase of services where applicable if subdivision (b) of Section 3.94 of the Budget Act of 2011 is operative. A variety of strategies, including, but not limited to, savings attributable to caseload adjustments, changes in expenditure trends, unexpended contract funds, or
other administrative savings or restructuring can be applied to this reduction with the intent of keeping reductions as far away as feasible from consumer’s direct needs, services, and supports, including health, safety, and quality of life.
The department may utilize input from workgroups comprised of consumers and family members, consumer-focused advocacy groups, service provider representatives, regional center representatives, developmental center representatives, other stakeholders, and staff of the Legislature, to develop General Fund savings proposals as necessary.
If subdivision (b) of Section 3.94 of the Budget Act of 2011 is operative, and the department is directed to identify up to one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) in General Fund savings from within the developmental services system, any savings or reductions identified shall be reported to the Joint
Legislative Budget Committee within 10 days of the reduction as directed within Section 3.94 of the Budget Act of 2011.