By January 1, 1977, the Director of Developmental Services shall compile a roster of all persons who are in the custody of a state hospital, or on leave therefrom, pursuant to an order of judicial commitment as a mentally retarded person made prior to January 1, 1976. The appropriate regional center shall be given a copy of the names and pertinent records of the judicially committed retarded persons within its jurisdiction, and shall investigate the need and propriety of further judicial commitment of such persons under the provisions of Sections 6500 and 6500.1.
Each regional center shall complete all investigations required by this
section within two years after the roster is submitted. In conducting its investigations, each regional center shall solicit information, advice, and recommendations of state hospital personnel familiar with the person whose needs are being evaluated.
For those persons found by a regional center to no longer require state hospital care, the regional center shall immediately prepare an individual program plan pursuant to Sections 4646 and 4648 for the provision of appropriate alternative services outside the state hospital.
If such alternative is not immediately available, the regional center shall give continuing high priority to the location and development of such services. As part of the program budget submission required in Section 4776, the regional director shall include a report specifying: