CA Sts & High Code Section 30112

The department and commission shall consider the inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian facilities on each new toll bridge designed and constructed pursuant to this division, including appropriate connections thereto. Such facilities shall be included on each such new bridge if the commission finds that they are economically and physically feasible. If the commission finds such facilities are not feasible, it shall report its findings to the Legislature at least one year prior to commencement of construction, including the facts on which the commission based its decision. The cost of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities on the approaches to the toll bridge shall be paid by the commission as a part of the cost of construction of the toll bridge, unless the cost of such facilities is to be paid by a governmental agency other than a state agency. The feasibility study for such facilities shall reflect whether the commission or a governmental agency other than a state agency shall pay the cost of such facilities. The Legislature finds that the increased use of the bicycle is a desirable activity which should be encouraged by the improvement of access available to that mode of transportation. It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting this section, to provide for the use of toll bridges by both pedestrians and bicycles, wherever this is economically and physically feasible.

Source: Section 30112, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 30112’s source at