A project located in Los Angeles County that is approved by a public agency before the effective date of the act adding this section is not in violation of any requirement of this division by reason of the failure to construct a roadway across the property transferred to the state pursuant to subdivision (c) and to construct a bridge over the adjacent Ballona Channel in Los Angeles County, otherwise required as a mitigation measure pursuant to this division, if all of the following conditions apply:(1)
The improvements specified in this subdivision are not constructed, due in whole or in part, to the project owner’s or developer’s relinquishment of easement rights to construct those improvements.(2)
The easement rights in paragraph (1) are relinquished in connection with the State of California, acting by and through the Wildlife Conservation Board of the Department of Fish and Game, acquiring a wetlands project that is a minimum of 400 acres in size and located within the coastal zone.(b)
Where those easement rights have been relinquished, any municipal ordinance or regulation adopted by a charter city or a general law city shall be inapplicable to the extent that the ordinance or regulation requires construction of the transportation improvements specified in subdivision (a), or would otherwise require reprocessing or resubmittal of a permit or approval, including, but not limited to, a final recorded map, a vesting tentative map, or a tentative map, as a result of the transportation improvements specified in subdivision (a) not being constructed.(c)
(1)If the Wildlife Conservation Board of the Department of Fish and Game acquires property within the coastal zone that is a minimum of 400 acres in size pursuant to a purchase and sale agreement with Playa Capital Company, LLC, the Controller shall direct the trustee under the Amendment to Declaration of Trust entered into on or about December 11, 1984, by First Nationwide Savings, as trustee, Summa Corporation, as trustor, and the Controller, as beneficiary, known as the HRH Inheritance Tax Security Trust, to convey title to the trust estate of the trust, including real property commonly known as Playa Vista Area C, to the State of California acting by and through the Wildlife Conservation Board of the Department of Fish and Game for conservation, restoration, or recreation purposes only, with the right to transfer the property for those uses to any other agency of the State of California.(2)
This subdivision shall constitute the enabling legislation required by the Amendment to Declaration of Trust to empower the Controller to direct the trustee to convey title to the trust estate under the HRH Inheritance Tax Security Trust to the State of California or an agency thereof.(3)
The conveyance of the trust estate to the Wildlife Conservation Board pursuant to this subdivision shall supersede any duty or obligation imposed upon the Controller under the Probate Code or the Revenue and Taxation Code with respect to the disposition or application of the net proceeds of the trust estate.
Section 21080.29, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PRC§ionNum=21080.29.