Notwithstanding paragraph (10) of subdivision (b) of Section 21080, this division applies to a project for the institution of passenger rail service on a line paralleling State Highway 29 and running from Rocktram to Krug in the Napa Valley. With respect to that project, and for the purposes of this division, the Public Utilities Commission is the lead agency.(b)
It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to abrogate the decision of the California Supreme Court “that Section 21080, subdivision (b)(11), exempts Wine Train’s institution of passenger service on the Rocktram-Krug line from the requirements of CEQA” in Napa Valley Wine Train, Inc. v. Public Utilities Com., 50 Cal. 3d 370.(c)
Nothing in this section is intended to affect or apply to, or to confer jurisdiction upon the Public Utilities Commission with respect to, any other project involving rail service.
Section 21080.04, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PRC§ionNum=21080.04.