CA Penal Code Section 2985.5


Each provider shall report to the department regarding the intended outcomes of the program, including all of the following:


The number of participants served.


The types of services that were provided to program participants.


The outcomes for participants, including the number who graduated to independent living, the number who remain in or moved to permanent housing, the number who ceased to participate in the program, and the number who returned to state prison.


The number of participants who successfully completed parole and transitioned to county mental health programs.


The department shall prepare an analysis of the costs of the supportive housing program in comparison to the cost savings to the state as a result of reduced recidivism rates by participants using the information provided pursuant to subdivision (a). This analysis shall exclude from consideration any federal funds provided for services while the participant is on parole in order to ensure that the analysis accurately reflects only the costs to the state for the services provided to participants.


The department shall annually submit, on or before February 1, the information collected pursuant to subdivision (a) and the analysis prepared pursuant to subdivision (b) to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, the Assembly Committee on Budget, the Senate and Assembly Committees on Public Safety, the Senate Committee on Transportation and Housing, and the Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 2985.5’s source at ca​.gov