CA Penal Code Section 2816

With the approval of the Department of Finance, there shall be transferred to, or deposited in, the Prison Industries Revolving Fund for purposes authorized by this section, money appropriated from any source including sources other than state appropriations. Notwithstanding subdivision (i) of Section 2808, the Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation may order any authorized public works project involving the construction, renovation, or repair of prison facilities to be performed by inmate labor or juvenile justice facilities to be performed by ward labor, when the total expenditure does not exceed the project limit established by the first paragraph of Section 10108 of the Public Contract Code. Projects entailing expenditure of greater than the project limit established by the first paragraph of Section 10108 of the Public Contract Code shall be reviewed and approved by the chairperson, in consultation with the board. Money so transferred or deposited shall be available for expenditure by the department for the purposes for which appropriated, contributed or made available, without regard to fiscal years and irrespective of the provisions of Sections 13340 and 16304 of the Government Code. Money transferred or deposited pursuant to this section shall be used only for purposes authorized in this section.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 2816’s source at ca​.gov