CA Penal Code Section 13830

There is hereby created in state government a Judicial Criminal Justice Planning Committee of seven members. The Judicial Council shall appoint the members of the committee who shall hold office at its pleasure. In this respect the Legislature finds as follows:


The California court system has a constitutionally established independence under the judicial and separation of power clauses of the State Constitution.


The California court system has a statewide structure created under the Constitution, state statutes, and state court rules, and the Judicial Council of California is the constitutionally established state agency having responsibility for the operation of that structure.


The California court system will be directly affected by the criminal justice planning that will be done under this title and by the federal grants that will be made to implement that planning.


For effective planning and implementation of court projects it is essential that the Office of Emergency Services have the advice and assistance of a state judicial system planning committee.

Source: Section 13830, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13830’s source at