CA Penal Code Section 13516


The commission shall prepare guidelines establishing standard procedures which may be followed by police agencies in the investigation of sexual assault cases, and cases involving the sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of children, including, police response to, and treatment of, victims of these crimes.


The course of training leading to the basic certificate issued by the commission shall, on and after July 1, 1977, include adequate instruction in the procedures described in subdivision (a). No reimbursement shall be made to local agencies based on attendance on or after that date at any course which does not comply with the requirements of this subdivision.


The commission shall prepare and implement a course for the training of specialists in the investigation of sexual assault cases, child sexual exploitation cases, and child sexual abuse cases. Officers assigned to investigation duties which include the handling of cases involving the sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of children, shall successfully complete that training within six months of the date the assignment was made.


It is the intent of the Legislature in the enactment of this section to encourage the establishment of sex crime investigation units in police agencies throughout the state, which units shall include, but not be limited to, investigating crimes involving the sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.


It is the further intent of the Legislature in the enactment of this section to encourage the establishment of investigation guidelines that take into consideration the sensitive nature of the sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children with respect to both the accused and the alleged victim.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13516’s source at