CA Penal Code Section 13515


Every city police officer or deputy sheriff at a supervisory level and below who is assigned field or investigative duties shall complete an elder and dependent adult abuse training course certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training within 18 months of assignment to field duties. Completion of the course may be satisfied by telecourse, video training tape, or other instruction. The training shall, at a minimum, include all of the following subjects:


Relevant laws.


Recognition of elder and dependent adult abuse.


Reporting requirements and procedures.


Neglect of elders and dependent adults.


Fraud of elders and dependent adults.


Physical abuse of elders and dependent adults.


Psychological abuse of elders and dependent adults.


The role of the local adult protective services and public guardian offices.


The legal rights of, and remedies available to, victims of elder or dependent adult abuse pursuant to Section 15657.03 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, including emergency protective orders and the option to request a simultaneous move-out order, and temporary restraining orders.


When producing new or updated training materials pursuant to this section, the commission shall consult with the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse, local adult protective services offices, the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, and other subject matter experts. Any new or updated training materials shall address all of the following:


The jurisdiction and responsibility of law enforcement agencies pursuant to Section 368.5.


The fact that the protected classes of “dependent person” as defined in Section 288 and “dependent adult” as defined in Section 368 include many persons with disabilities, regardless of the fact that most of those persons live independently.


Other relevant information and laws.


The commission also may inform the law enforcement agencies of other relevant training materials.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13515’s source at