CA Ins Code Section 1765


A license under this chapter shall be applied for and renewed by the filing with the commissioner of a written application therefor, in accordance with Section 1652.


Subject to subdivision (f), the commissioner shall issue a license authorizing any applicant who is trustworthy and competent to transact an insurance brokerage business in a manner as to safeguard the interest of the insured, to act as a surplus line broker from the date of the license until the expiration date specified in Section 1630.


An applicant for a surplus line broker’s license shall, as part of the application and a condition of the issuance of the license, file a bond to the people of the State of California in the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), conditioned that the licensee will fully and faithfully comply with the requirements of this chapter, and all applicable provisions of this code. The bond shall be subject to Sections 1662 and 1663. A surplus line broker bond is not required for an individual licensed as a surplus line broker who transacts only on behalf of a licensed surplus line broker organization.


The filing fee for a license to act as a surplus line broker shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000) every two years, or for any initial fractional license year. For an individual licensed as a surplus line broker who only transacts on behalf of a surplus line broker organization, the filing fee shall be five hundred dollars ($500) every two years, or for any initial fractional license year. Every applicant for a business entity license, as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 1765.2, shall provide the names of all persons who may exercise the power and perform the duties under the license. Whenever an organization licensed as a surplus line broker desires to change, remove, or add to the natural person or persons who are to transact insurance under authority of its license, it shall immediately file an application or notice with the commissioner for an endorsement changing its license accordingly, on a form prescribed by the commissioner. The fee for adding or removing from any surplus line broker’s license issued to an organization the name of any natural person, named thereon, shall be twenty-four dollars ($24). The commissioner shall require that the qualifying examination provided by subdivision (a) of Section 1676 be taken by any natural person named by the organization to exercise its agency or brokerage powers who would be required to take and pass the qualifying examination. That natural person or persons and the organization are in all other respects subject to the provisions of this chapter and the insurance laws.


The department is authorized to collect additional license fees resulting from the increases in license fees provided by Chapter 29 of the Statutes of 2008 and shall credit any overpayment resulting from reductions in license fees provided by that act.


A business entity licensed under this chapter shall provide two hours of appropriate training to its employees who solicit, negotiate, or effect insurance coverage placed by a nonadmitted insurer. The training shall be given to each eligible employee every five years. The surplus line advisory organization authorized pursuant to Chapter 6.1 (commencing with Section 1780.50) shall develop the curriculum for the training.


The license shall be renewed in accordance with, and subject to, Sections 1717, 1718, 1719, and 1720.


The commissioner may deny, suspend, or revoke any license applied for or granted pursuant to this chapter on all or any one of the grounds and in accordance with the procedures provided in Article 6 (commencing with Section 1666) and Article 13 (commencing with Section 1737) of Chapter 5, whenever the commissioner finds that the applicant or licensee has committed a violation of any provision of this code.

Source: Section 1765, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 1765’s source at