The calculation of actual or expected loss ratios shall be pursuant to the formula in subdivision (a) of Section 1358.14, and pursuant to definitions, procedures, and other provisions as may be deemed by the director, with due consideration of the circumstances of the particular issuer, to be fair, reasonable, and consistent with the objectives of this chapter.
Each issuer shall submit to the department a copy of the calculations for the actual or expected loss ratio
as required by Section 1358.14. The calculations shall include the following data: the actual loss ratio for the entire period in which the contract has been in force, as well as for the immediate past three years and for each year in which the contract has been in force, the scale of prepaid or periodic charges for the loss ratio calculation period, a description of all assumptions, the formula used to calculate gross prepaid or periodic charges, the expected level of earned prepaid or periodic charges in the loss ratio calculation period, and the expected level of incurred claims for reimbursement, including paid claims and incurred but not paid claims, in the loss ratio calculation period. The calculations shall be accompanied by an actuarial certification, consisting of a signed declaration of an actuary who is a member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries in which the actuary states that the assumptions used in calculating the expected loss ratio are appropriate and reasonable, taking
into account that the calculations are in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (a) and the provisions referred to therein. In addition, the director may require the issuer to submit actuarial certification, as described above, by one or more unaffiliated actuaries acceptable to the director.
Notwithstanding the calculations required by subdivision (b), contracts shall be deemed to comply with the loss ratio standards if, and shall be deemed not to comply with the loss standards unless: (1) for the most recent year, the ratio of the incurred losses to earned prepaid charges for contracts that have been in force for three years or more is greater than or equal to the applicable percentages contained in this section; and (2) the expected losses in relation to charges over the entire period for which the contract is rated comply with the requirements of this section. An expected third-year loss ratio that is greater than or equal to
the applicable percentage shall be demonstrated for contracts in force less than three years.
Section 1358.145,