CA Health & Safety Code Section 114193


All steam tables, ice machines and bins, food preparation sinks, warewashing sinks, display cases, walk-in refrigeration units, and other similar equipment that discharge liquid waste shall be drained by means of indirect waste pipes, and all wastes drained by them shall discharge through an airgap into a floor sink or other approved type of receptor.


Drainage from reach-in refrigeration units shall be conducted in a sanitary manner to a floor sink or other approved device by an indirect connection or to a properly installed and functioning evaporator.


Indirect waste receptors shall be located to be readily accessible for inspection and cleaning.


Warewashing machines may be connected directly to the sewer immediately downstream from a floor drain, or they may be drained through an approved indirect connection.


Warewashing sinks in use on January 1, 1996, that are directly plumbed may be continued in use. This section does not require warewashing sinks to be indirectly plumbed when the local building official determines that the sink should be directly plumbed.

Source: Section 114193, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 114193’s source at