CA Gov't Code Section 65403


Each special district, each unified, elementary, and high school district, and each agency created by a joint powers agreement pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 that constructs or maintains public facilities essential to the growth and maintenance of an urban population may prepare a five-year capital improvement program. This section shall not preclude, limit, or govern any other method of capital improvement planning and shall not apply to any district or agency unless it specifically determines to implement this section. As used in this section, “public facilities” means any of the following:


Public buildings, including schools and related facilities.


Facilities for the storage, treatment, and distribution of nonagricultural water.


Facilities for the collection, treatment, reclamation, and disposal of sewage.


Facilities for the collection and disposal of storm waters and for flood control purposes.


Facilities for the generation of electricity and the distribution of gas and electricity.


Transportation and transit facilities, including, but not limited to, streets, roads, harbors, ports, airports, and related facilities.


Parks and recreation facilities. However, this section shall not apply to a special district which constructs or maintains parks and recreation facilities if the annual operating budget of the district does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000).


The five-year capital improvement program shall indicate the location, size, time of availability, means of financing, including a schedule for the repayment of bonded indebtedness, and estimates of operation costs for all proposed and related capital improvements. The five-year capital improvement program shall also indicate a schedule for maintenance and rehabilitation and an estimate of useful life of all existing and proposed capital improvements.


The capital improvement program shall be adopted by, and shall be annually reviewed and revised by, resolution of the governing body of the district or local agency. Annual revisions shall include an extension of the program for an additional year to update the five-year program. At least 60 days prior to its adoption or annual revision, as the case may be, the capital improvement program shall be referred to the planning agency of each affected city and county within which the district or agency operates, for review as to its consistency with the applicable general plan, any applicable specific plans, and all elements and parts of the plan. Failure of the planning agency to report its findings within 40 days after receipt of a capital improvement program or revision of the program shall be conclusively deemed to constitute a finding that the capital improvement program is consistent with the general plan. A district or local agency shall not carry out its capital improvement program or any part of the program if the planning agency finds that the capital improvement program or a part of the capital improvement program is not consistent with the applicable general plan, any specific plans, and all elements and parts of the plan. A district or local agency may overrule the finding and carry out its capital improvement program.


Before adopting its capital improvement program, or annual revisions of the program, the governing body of each special district, each unified, elementary, and high school district, and each agency created by a joint powers agreement shall hold at least one public hearing. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 65090. In addition, mailed notice shall be given to any city or county which may be significantly affected by the capital improvement program.

Source: Section 65403, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 65403’s source at