The following rules apply when a person who is a candidate for any office believes that another person with a name that is so similar that it may be confused with his or her name has filed or will file a nomination paper for the same office:
The candidate may, at the time of filing his or her nomination paper, or within five days after the time for filing nomination papers has expired, file with the elections official a statement that shall be in substance as follows:
“I ____, believe that another person, whose name is so similar to mine that it may be confused with mine, has filed or will file a nomination paper for
the same office for which I have filed a nomination paper, and I therefore request and direct that
the elections official assign a number to each candidate with a similar name to be printed on the ballot as a distinguishing mark.
Candidate for the office
of ”
The distinguishing mark shall be a number, commencing with the number “1” and continuing in numerical sequence until each candidate with a similar name has been assigned a distinguishing number, and shall be printed at the
right of the name on the ballot.
The first candidate who filed his or her nomination papers shall have the number “1” and
each subsequent candidate, based on the time of filing his or her nomination papers, shall be assigned the next number in numerical sequence.
In addition to the designated numbers that the elections official shall place on the ballot when the above conditions are met, he or she shall place on the ballot, immediately preceding the names of the candidates to be voted upon, the following warning:
“Warning! There are two (or applicable number) candidates for this office with identical names.”
This warning shall also be included, in a prominent manner, on any sample ballot, ballot pamphlet, or other mailing sent by the elections official, prior to the election, to persons eligible
to vote for this office.
To determine the order on the ballot for the candidates with similar names, the elections official shall conduct a drawing of the numbers assigned to the candidates in a similar manner as provided for in Section 13112.