CA Educ Code Section 89724


All money received from the sale of publications pursuant to Section 90500, all money received under an agreement entered into pursuant to Section 89036, and, except as to the fees and charges specified in subdivisions (g) and (h) of Section 89721, all money collected as fees from students in any state university and from other persons under Section 89030, Sections 89036 to 89040, inclusive, and Sections 89700, 89705, 89708, 89709, 89720, and 89721, and by reason of Section 2080.9 of the Civil Code, is hereby appropriated for the support of the California State University in addition to such other amounts as may be appropriated therefor by the Legislature. Money received under Sections 89720 and 89721, or received by reason of Section 2080.9 of the Civil Code, is appropriated without regard to fiscal year. Money received by reason of Section 2080.9 of the Civil Code shall be used for student scholarships and loans pursuant to any regulations the trustees shall provide, and while held pending the grant of a scholarship or loan, may be invested by the Treasurer upon approval of the trustees, in those eligible securities listed in Section 16430 of the Government Code. All interest or other earnings received pursuant to such investment shall also be used for those scholarships and loans. Money received by reason of Sections 89720 and 89721 may be invested, upon approval of the trustees, by the Treasurer or by the chief fiscal officer of a campus of the California State University, in those eligible securities listed in Section 16430 of the Government Code and in investment certificates or withdrawal shares in federal or state credit unions which are doing business in this state and which have their accounts insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Any money so invested or deposited shall be invested or deposited in certificates, shares, or accounts fully covered by the insurance. All interest and other earnings received pursuant to the investment of money received by reason of Sections 89720 and 89721 shall also be used for such purposes as may be established by the trustees consistent with the terms and conditions of the gift, bequest, devise, donation, or agreement under Sections 89720 and 89721. Except as otherwise provided with respect to money received by reason of Section 2080.9 of the Civil Code and Sections 89720 and 89721 of this code, all money received pursuant to this section shall augment the support appropriation to the California State University for the fiscal year to which the collections apply.


All money received from the sale or the disposition of real property acquired by or on behalf of a particular state university by gift, devise, or donation pursuant to Section 89720 or pursuant to the predecessor of that section is hereby appropriated to the trustees for expenditure for capital outlay for the acquisition and improvement of real property for the particular state university, in addition to any other amounts appropriated therefor by the Legislature. All money received from the sale or other disposition of personal property, other than money, acquired by or on behalf of a particular state university by gift, bequest, or donation pursuant to Section 89720 or pursuant to the predecessor of that section is hereby appropriated to the trustees for expenditure for capital outlay for, or the acquisition and improvement of real or personal property for, the particular state university, in addition to other amounts appropriated therefor by the Legislature. No money shall be expended by the trustees under this subdivision without the approval of the Director of Finance. The money shall augment the support or capital outlay appropriation of the California State University current at the date of issuance of the Controller’s receipt therefor as may be designated by the trustees prior to their deposit in the State Treasury.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 89724’s source at ca​.gov