CA Educ Code Section 67006

The office of the Governor is designated as the state educational agency to carry out the purposes and the provisions of Section 802 of Title VIII of the Housing Act of 1964. The office of the Governor is hereby vested with authority to prepare and submit any state plan required by said section of said act of Congress, to prepare and submit amendments to such state plan, and to administer such state plan or amendments thereto, in accordance with said act of Congress, and any rules and regulations adopted thereunder. Any such state plan or amendment thereto prepared by the office of the Governor shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Finance. The office of the Governor is hereby vested with all necessary power and authority to cooperate with the government of the United States, or any agency or agencies thereof in the administration of the act of Congress and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 67006’s source at ca​.gov