CA Educ Code Section 35710.5


An action by the county committee approving or disapproving a petition pursuant to Section 35709, 35710, or 35710.1 may be appealed to the State Board of Education by the chief petitioners or one or more affected school districts. The appeal shall be limited to issues of noncompliance with the provisions of Section 35705, 35706, 35709, or 35710. If an appeal is made as to the issue of whether the proposed transfer will adversely affect the racial or ethnic integration of the schools of the districts affected, it shall be made pursuant to Section 35711.


Within five days after the final action of the county committee, the appellant shall file with the county committee a notice of appeal and shall provide a copy to the county superintendent of schools, except that if the appellant is one of the affected school districts it shall have 30 days to file the notice of appeal with the county committee and provide a copy to the county superintendent. Upon the filing of the notice of appeal, the action of the county committee shall be stayed, pending the outcome of the appeal. Within 15 days after the filing of the notice of appeal, the appellant shall file with the county committee a statement of reasons and factual evidence. The county committee shall then, within 15 days of receipt of the statement, send to the State Board of Education the statement and the complete administrative record of the county committee proceedings, including minutes of the oral proceedings.


Upon receipt of the appeal, the State Board of Education may elect either to review the appeal, or to ratify the county committee’s decision by summarily denying review of the appeal. The board may review the appeal either solely on the administrative record or in conjunction with a public hearing. Following the review, the board shall affirm or reverse the action of the county committee, and if the petition will be sent to election, shall determine the territory in which the election is to be held. The board may reverse or modify the action of the county committee in any manner consistent with law.


The decision of the board shall be sent to the county committee which shall notify the county board of supervisors or the county superintendent of schools pursuant to Section 35709, 35710, or 35710.1, as appropriate.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 35710.5’s source at ca​.gov