CA Educ Code Section 17047


The allowable new building area for the purpose of providing special day class and Resource Specialist Program facilities for special education pupils shall be negotiated and approved by the board, with any necessary assistance to be provided by the Special Education Division of the State Department of Education. The square footage allowances shall be computed within the maximum square footage set forth in the following schedule: Special Day ClassBasic Need GradeLevels Load­ing* SquareFootage Nonsevere Disability —Specific LearningDisability All 12 1080 —Mildly IntellectuallyDisabled All 12 1080 —Severe Disorderof Language All 10 1080 Severe Disability —Deaf and Hard ofHearing All 10 1080 —Visually Impaired All 10 1330 (1080 + 250 storage) —Orthopedically andOther Health Im- paired All 12 2000 (1080 + 400 toilets + 250 storage + 270 daily living skills + 3000 therapy + 750 therapy per additional classroom) —Autistic All 6 1160 (1080 + 80 toilets) —Severely Emotion-ally Disturbed All 6 1160 (1080 + 80 toilets) —Severely Intellectually Disabled Elem. 12 1750 (1080 + 400 toilets + 270 daily living skills) Secon. 2150 (1080 + 400 toilets + 270 daily living skills + 400 vocational) —Developmentally Disabled All 10 2000 (1080 + 400 toilets + 250 storage + 270 daily living skills + 3000 therapy** + 750 therapy per additional CR) —Deaf-Blind/Multi All 5 1400 (1080 + 200 storage + 150 toilets) Pupils SquareFeet Resource Specialist Program for those pupils with disabling conditions whose needs have been identified by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team, who require special education for a portion of the day, and who are assigned to a regular classroom for a majority of the schoolday.*** All Maximum caseload for RS is 28, not all served at same time. 1–8 240 9–28 480 29–37 720 38–56 960 57–65 1200 66–85 1440 86–94 1680 95–112 1920 *Special pupils may usually be grouped without accordance to type, especially in smaller districts or where attendance zones may indicate, to maximize loadings per classroom where there are children with similar educational needs (Sec. 56364 or 56364.2, as applicable). **Therapy add-ons not to be provided if on same site as orthopedically impaired. ***To a maximum of 4 percent of the unhoused average daily attendance of the district, per new school or addition, to a maximum of 1920 square feet.


The allowable new building area shall be computed by dividing the number of eligible pupils by the minimum required loading per classroom for special day classes for the type of pupils to be enrolled. No new or additional facility shall be provided for special day classes unless the number of additional eligible pupils equals one-third or more of the minimum required loading.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17047’s source at ca​.gov