CA Educ Code Section 16160

Notwithstanding Sections 16159 and 16161, in situations where an applicant district at the elementary grade level under this chapter is divided into three parts, each of which is included in a newly formed unified school district, each part shall be excluded in determining the state loan repayment liability for any apportionment made to the original district subsequent to the date the unification is effective for purposes of Section 35532, provided that all of the following occur:


The assessed valuation of the part is less than 4 percent of the original district in the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year the change is made effective for all purposes.


The average daily attendance in the part is excluded in determining projected enrollment of the original district for additional state aid during the period after the change is effective for purposes of Section 35532 and before the effective date for all purposes.


The part contains no sites, plans, or school facilities, which were acquired under this chapter or under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 15700).
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16160’s source at ca​.gov