In any derivative action, at any time within 30 days after service of summons upon the limited partnership or the general partner, the limited partnership or general partner may move the court for an order, upon notice and hearing, requiring the plaintiff to furnish a bond as hereinafter provided. The motion shall be based upon one or both of the following grounds:(1)
That there is no reasonable possibility that the prosecution of the cause of action alleged in the complaint against the moving party will benefit the limited partnership or its partners.(2)
That the moving party, if other than the partnership, did not participate in the transaction complained of in any capacity. The court on application of the limited partnership or the general partner may, for good cause shown, extend the 30-day period for an additional period or periods not exceeding 60 days.(b)
At the hearing upon any motion pursuant to subdivision (a) the court shall consider such evidence, written or oral, by witnesses or affidavit, as may be material (1) to the ground or grounds upon which the motion is based, or (2) to a determination of the probable reasonable expenses, including attorneys’ fees, of the limited partnership and the general partner which will be incurred in defense of the action. If the court determines, after hearing the evidence adduced by the parties, that the moving party has established a probability in support of any of the grounds upon which the motion is based, the court shall fix the amount of the bond, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), to be furnished by the plaintiff for reasonable expenses, including attorneys fees, which may be incurred by the moving party and the limited partnership in connection with the action, including expenses for which the limited partnership may become liable pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 15904.06. A ruling by the court on the motion shall not be a determination of any issue in the action or of the merits thereof. If the court, upon motion, makes a determination that a bond shall be furnished by the plaintiff as to any one or more defendants, the action shall be dismissed as to the defendant or defendants, unless the bond required by the court has been furnished within such reasonable time as may be fixed by the court.(c)
If the plaintiff shall, either before or after a motion is made pursuant to subdivision (a), or any order or determination pursuant to the motion, furnish a bond in the aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to secure the reasonable expenses of the parties entitled to make the motion, the plaintiff has complied with the requirements of this section and with any order for a bond theretofore made, any such motion then pending shall be dismissed and no further additional bond shall be required.(d)
If a motion is filed pursuant to subdivision (a), no pleadings need to be filed by the limited partnership or any other defendant and the prosecution of the action shall be stayed until 10 days after the motion has been disposed of.
Section 15910.06, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CORP§ionNum=15910.06.