CA Welf & Inst Code Section 4521


(1)All references to “council” or “state council” in this division shall be a reference to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities.


“Developmental disability,” as used in this chapter, means a developmental disability as defined in Section 15002(8) of Title 42 of the United States Code.


There shall be 31 voting members on the state council appointed by the Governor from among the residents of the state, as follows:


(A)Twenty members of the council shall be nonagency members who reflect the socioeconomic, geographic, disability, racial, ethnic, and language diversity of the state, and who shall be persons with a developmental disability or their parents, immediate relatives, guardians, or conservators residing in California. Of the 20 members:


At least seven members shall be persons with developmental disabilities.


At least seven members shall be a person who is a parent, immediate relative, guardian, or conservator of a person with a developmental disability. (iii)At least one of the members shall be a person with a developmental disability who is a current or former resident of an institution or his or her immediate relative, guardian, or conservator.
To ensure that state council membership is geographically representative, as required by federal law, the Governor shall appoint the members described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) from the geographical area of each regional office, if regional offices have been established by the council. Each member described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) may, in the discretion of the state council, serve as a liaison from the state council to consumers and family members in the geographical area that he or she is from.


Eleven members of the council shall include the following:
The Secretary of California Health and Human Services, or his or her designee, who shall represent the agency and the state agency that administers funds under Title XIX of the Social Security Act for people with developmental disabilities.
The Director of Developmental Services or his or her designee.
The Director of Rehabilitation or his or her designee.
The Superintendent of Public Instruction or his or her designee.
A representative from a nongovernmental agency or group concerned with the provision of services to persons with developmental disabilities.
One representative from each of the three university centers for excellence in the state, pursuant to Section 15061 et seq. of Title 42 of the United States Code, providing training in the field of developmental services, or his or her designee. These individuals shall have expertise in the field of developmental disabilities.
The Director of Health Care Services or his or her designee.
The executive director of the agency established in California to fulfill the requirements and assurance of Title I, Subtitle C, of the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 for a system to protect and advocate the rights of persons with developmental disabilities, or his or her designee.
The Director of the California Department of Aging or his or her designee.


Prior to appointing the members described in paragraph (1) of, and subparagraph (E) of paragraph (2) of, subdivision (b), the Governor shall consult with the current members of the council, including nonagency members of the council, and consider recommendations from organizations representing persons with a broad range of developmental disabilities, or persons interested in, or providing services to, or both, persons with developmental disabilities.


The term of each member described in paragraph (1) of, and subparagraph (E) of paragraph (2) of, subdivision (b) shall be for three years. The term of these members shall begin on the date of appointment by the Governor and these members shall serve no more than two terms.


A member may continue to serve following the expiration of his or her term until the Governor appoints that member’s successor. The state council shall notify the Governor regarding membership requirements of the council and shall notify the Governor, in writing, immediately when a vacancy occurs prior to the expiration of a member’s term, at least six months before a member’s term expires, and when a vacancy on the council remains unfilled for more than 60 days.

Source: Section 4521, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 4521’s source at