CA Welf & Inst Code Section 1860


From any state moneys made available to it for that purpose, the Youth Authority shall share in the cost pursuant to this article of the construction of youth correctional centers established by counties which apply therefor.


“Construction” as used in this section includes construction of new buildings and acquisition of existing buildings and initial equipment of any such buildings, and, to the extent provided for in regulations adopted by the Department of the Youth Authority, remodeling of existing buildings owned by the county, to serve as a youth correctional center, and initial equipment thereof. “Construction” also includes payments made by a county under any lease-purchase agreement or similar arrangement authorized by law and payments for the necessary repair or improvements of property which is leased from the federal government or other public entity without cost to the county for a term of not less than 10 years. It does not include architects’ fees or the cost of land acquisition.


The amount of state assistance which shall be provided to any county shall not exceed 50 percent of the project cost approved by the Youth Authority and in no event shall it exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) per offender the program is designed to accommodate.


Application for state assistance for construction funds under this article shall be made to the Youth Authority in the manner and form prescribed by the Youth Authority, and the Youth Authority shall prescribe the time and manner of payment of state assistance, if granted.

Source: Section 1860, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 1860’s source at