CA Welf & Inst Code Section 1760

The director is hereby authorized when necessary and when funds are available for these purposes to establish and operate any of the following:


Places for the detention, prior to examination and study, of all persons committed to the Youth Authority.


Places for examination and study of persons committed to the Youth Authority.


Places of confinement, educational institutions, hospitals and other correctional or segregative facilities, institutions and agencies, for the proper execution of the duties of the Youth Authority.


Agencies and facilities for the supervision, training, and control of persons who have not been placed in confinement or who have been released from confinement by the Youth Authority Board upon conditions, and for aiding those persons to find employment and assistance.


Agencies and facilities designed to aid persons who have been discharged by the Youth Authority Board in finding employment and in leading a law-abiding existence.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 1760’s source at ca​.gov