CA Welf & Inst Code Section 16124


(1)Upon the appropriation of funds by the Legislature for the purposes set forth in this section, the State Department of Social Services shall establish a project in four counties and one state district office of the department to provide preadoption and postadoption services to ensure the successful adoption of children and youth who have been in foster care 18 months or more, are at least nine years of age, and are placed in an unrelated foster home or in a group home.


The participating entities shall include the following:


City and County of San Francisco.


County of Los Angeles.


Two additional counties and one state district office, based on criteria developed by the department in consultation with the County Welfare Directors Association, which shall demonstrate geographic diversity.


A county that elects to apply for funding pursuant to this section shall submit an application to the department no later than a date determined by the department to ensure timely allocation of funds. The department shall review the applications received, and select the eligible counties in accordance with this section.


Each entity identified pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) shall receive funding to provide preadoption and postadoption services to the adoptive parents and the targeted population identified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a).


Preadoption and postadoption services for the child and each family may include, but shall not be limited to, all of the following:


Individualized or other recruitment efforts.


Postadoption services, including respite care.


Behavioral health services.


Peer support groups.


Information and referral services.


Other locally designed services, as appropriate.


Relative search efforts.


Training of adoptive parents, foster youth, or mentoring families.


Mediation services.


Facilitation of siblings in the same placement.


Facilitation of postadoption contact.


Engaging youth in permanency decisionmaking.


Any service or support necessary to resolve any identified barrier to adoption.


The services specified in paragraph (1) may be provided directly by the county, contracted for by the county, or provided through reimbursement to the family, as approved by the county.


The amount of funding provided in the appropriation of funds provided by the annual Budget Act to each county participating in the project shall be allocated as follows:


Seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) to the City and County of San Francisco.


One million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,250,000) to the County of Los Angeles.


A total of two million dollars ($2,000,000), to be awarded to the two additional counties and the district office selected pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), minus any funds subtracted by the department for the purpose of administering the project. The amount of funds provided to the department for administration of the project, including the costs of collecting and analyzing data pursuant to subdivision (h) and developing the information pursuant to subdivision (i), shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000).


If the appropriated amount in the annual Budget Act differs from the total amount specified above, then the funds shall be distributed in the same proportion as the amounts listed in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive.


Funds shall be allocated to the counties pursuant to subdivision (c) no later than January 1 of each year, and shall remain available for expenditure until June 30, 2010.


(1)The department shall seek approval for any federal matching funds that may be available to supplement the project.


The implementation of the project shall not be dependent upon the receipt of federal funding.


Project funds shall supplement, and not supplant, existing federal, state, and local funds, and shall be used only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the project.


No expenditure made for services specified in subdivision (b) may be made to the extent that it renders the family ineligible for federal adoption assistance.


The project shall be implemented only upon the adoption of a resolution adopted by each county board of supervisors.


The department shall work with the counties to develop the requirements for the project, including the number of families that may participate in the project, given the available resources, and guidelines for data collection, as required by subdivision (h).


(1)The department shall work with the participating county and the state district office to analyze the effects of the project.


Measures assessed by the state and counties shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:


The extent to which the adoptions of the targeted population identified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) increased as a result of the project.


The number of families and children served by the project.


The type and amount of preadoption and postadoption services that were provided to children and families under the project.


The department shall provide information to the Legislature on the results of the project by May 31, 2011.


Adoption programs in the project counties shall be encouraged to create public-private partnerships with private adoption agencies to maximize their success in improving permanent outcomes for older foster youth.

Source: Section 16124, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

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