Exclusive of payments made under Article 5.21 (commencing with Section 14167.1) and Article 5.226 (commencing with Section 14168.1), payment rates for hospital outpatient services, furnished by private hospitals, nondesignated public hospitals, and designated public hospitals before December 31, 2013, exclusive of amounts payable under this article, shall not be reduced below the rates in effect on July 1, 2011.(b)
Rates payable to hospitals for hospital inpatient services furnished before December 31, 2013, under contracts negotiated pursuant to the selective provider contracting program under Article 2.6 (commencing with Section 14081), shall not be reduced below the contract rates in effect on July 1, 2011. This subdivision shall not prohibit changes to the supplemental payments paid to individual hospitals under Sections 14166.12, 14166.17, and 14166.23, provided that the aggregate amount of the payments for each subject fiscal year is not less than the minimum amount permitted under Section 14167.13.(c)
Notwithstanding Section 14105.281, exclusive of payments made under Article 5.21 (commencing with Section 14167.1) and Article 5.226 (commencing with Section 14168.1), payments to private hospitals for hospital inpatient services furnished before January 1, 2014, that are not reimbursed under a contract negotiated pursuant to the selective provider contracting program under Article 2.6 (commencing with Section 14081), exclusive of amounts payable under this article, shall not be less than the amount of payments that would have been made under the payment methodology in effect on the effective date of this article.(d)
Upon the implementation of the new Medi-Cal inpatient hospital reimbursement methodology based on diagnosis-related groups pursuant to Section 14105.28, the requirements in subdivisions (b) and (c) shall be met if the rates paid under the new Medi-Cal inpatient hospital reimbursement methodology based on diagnosis-related groups result in an average payment per discharge to all hospitals subject to the new reimbursement methodology, calculated on an aggregate basis per subject fiscal year, exclusive of amounts payable under this article, amounts payable under Sections 14166.11 and 14166.23, and if amounts payable under Sections 14166.12 and 14166.17 are not included in the payments under the diagnosis-related group methodology and continue to be paid separately to hospitals, exclusive of those amounts, that is not less than the average payment per discharge to the hospitals, exclusive of amounts payable under this article, amounts payable under Sections 14166.11 and 14166.23, and if amounts payable under Sections 14166.12 and 14166.17 are not included in the payments under the diagnosis-related group methodology and continue to be paid separately to hospitals, exclusive of those amounts, calculated on an aggregate basis for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, adjusted, in consultation with the hospital community, to reflect the movement of populations into managed care under Article 5.4 (commencing with Section 14180).(e)
Solely for purposes of this article, a rate reduction or a change in a rate methodology that is enjoined by a court shall be included in the determination of a rate or a rate methodology until all appeals or judicial reviews have been exhausted and the rate reduction or change in rate methodology has been permanently enjoined, denied by the federal government, or otherwise permanently prevented from being implemented.(f)
Disproportionate share replacement payments to private hospitals for the 2011–12 fiscal year shall be not less than the amount determined pursuant to Section 14166.11 as reduced pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 14166.115. Disproportionate share replacement payments to private hospitals for the 2012–13 fiscal year shall not be less than the amount determined pursuant to Section 14166.11, as reduced pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 14166.115. Disproportionate share replacement payments to private hospitals for the period of July 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, shall be not less than the amount determined pursuant to Section 14166.11, as reduced by paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) of Section 14166.115. For purposes of this subdivision, references to Section 14166.11 are to the version of Section 14166.11 in effect on the effective date of the act that added this subdivision.
Section 14169.12, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=WIC§ionNum=14169.12.