CA Welf & Inst Code Section 13754


It is the intent of the Legislature that nothing in this section shall be interpreted to preclude a nonminor dependent from accessing the same benefits, services, and supports, and exercise the same choices available to all dependents. It is further the intent of the Legislature that nonminor dependents who receive federal Supplemental Security Income benefits can serve as their own payee, if it is determined that the nonminor dependent satisfies the criteria established by the Social Security Administration, and should be assisted in receiving direct payment by the county child welfare department. It is further the intent of the Legislature that individuals who have had their eligibility for federal Supplemental Security Income benefits established pursuant to Section 13757 be able to maintain that eligibility even when they remain in the state’s care as a nonminor dependent. In order to facilitate this, it is the intent of the Legislature that the county child welfare agency ensure that the youth receives an SSI payment during at least one month of each 12-month period while the youth is a nonminor dependent. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the county child welfare agency supplement the SSI payment that a youth receives during this one-month period with nonfederal AFDC-FC benefits.


(1)The county shall apply to be appointed representative payee on behalf of a child beneficiary in its custody when no other appropriate party is available to serve.


When a child beneficiary reaches 18 years of age and elects to remain in the custody of the county as a nonminor dependent, the county shall provide information to the youth regarding the process for becoming his or her own payee and shall assist the youth in becoming his or her own payee pursuant to Section 13753, unless becoming his or her own payee is contrary to the best interests of the youth. In the event that a youth is unable to serve as his or her payee after attaining 18 years of age, the county shall assist the youth in finding and designating an appropriate representative payee.


In its capacity as representative payee, the county shall do all of the following:


Establish a no-cost, interest-bearing maintenance account for each child in the department’s custody for whom the department serves as representative payee. Interest earned shall be credited to the account. The county shall keep an itemized current account, in the manner required by federal law, of all income and expense items for each child’s maintenance account.


Establish procedures for disbursing money from the accounts, including disbursing the net balance to the beneficiary upon release from care. The county shall use social security and SSI/SSP benefits only for the following purposes:


For the use and benefit of the child.


For purposes determined by the county to be in the child’s best interest.


Establish and maintain a dedicated account in a financial institution for past-due monthly benefits that exceed six times the maximum monthly benefit payable, in accordance with federal law. The representative payee may deposit into the account established under this section any other funds representing past due benefits to the eligible individual, provided that the amount of the past due benefits is equal to or exceeds the maximum monthly benefit payable. Funds from the dedicated account shall not be used for basic maintenance costs. The use of funds from the dedicated account must be for the benefit of the child and are limited to expenditures for the following purposes:


Medical treatment.


Education or job skills training.


Personal needs assistance.


Special equipment.


Housing modification.


Therapy or rehabilitation.


Other items or services, deemed appropriate by the Social Security Administration.


Beginning in the 2011–12 fiscal year, and each fiscal year thereafter, funding and expenditures for programs and activities under this section shall be in accordance with the requirements provided in Sections 30025 and 30026.5 of the Government Code.

Source: Section 13754, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13754’s source at