The State Department of Social Services shall convene a workgroup comprised of the County Welfare Directors Association, county welfare directors, child advocacy organizations, current and former foster youth and other relevant stakeholders, as determined by the department, to develop best practice guidelines for county welfare departments to assist children residing in the state’s or a county’s custody who are eligible for benefits under Title II of the federal Social Security Act, pursuant to Section 402 et seq. of Title 42 of the United States Code (social security benefits) and Title XVI of the Social Security Act, pursuant to Section 1381 of Title 42 of the United States Code (supplemental security income benefits) in receiving all federal benefits for which they are eligible. The guidelines shall be established by December 31, 2006, and shall include, but not be limited to, establishing procedures for all of the following:
Determining the time and manner for conducting disability screenings for children in the custody of the county who may be eligible for social security or Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) benefits.
Assisting in the application process for social security and SSI/SSP benefits for each child who, pursuant to the disability screening, is likely to be determined eligible for benefits.
Requesting reconsideration and appealing adverse decisions where appropriate.
Informing parents and caretakers, at the time the child leaves foster care, of potential eligibility for social security or SSI/SSP benefits for any child not receiving benefits but who may be eligible upon application for those benefits.
Maximizing the amount of federal benefits received for the current maintenance of children in the county’s custody.
Informing foster youth of their rights and responsibilities for the continued receipt of SSI benefits, the sources of assistance that may be available for resolving problems youth may have with the receipt of SSI benefits, and the process for transferring accumulated SSI benefits.