CA Water Code Section 31053

No publicly owned utility shall commence to provide any service for, on, or to any land within a county water district which is subject to the lien of a general obligation bonded indebtedness or which was the subject of a lease-purchase, revenue, or other type of debt incurred for capital improvements by or on behalf of the district incurred by the district for the purpose of providing a service similar to that which the utility proposes to provide. However, a publicly owned utility may commence to provide service, otherwise prohibited, upon either of the following conditions:


If the board of directors of the county water district, by resolution permits the service.


In any portion of such a county water district proposed to be served by the publicly owned utility in which the total number of registered voters residing therein exceeds 200, if at least two-thirds of the voters voted at a special county water district election to permit the service. The election shall be called and held as an initiative measure pursuant to Section 30830.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 31053’s source at ca​.gov