CA Water Code Section 26225


Property sold for delinquent assessments may be redeemed within five years from the date of sale, or thereafter before a collector’s deed of the property has been delivered.


If a collector’s deed has been delivered to the district, the period of redemption is extended until the first bid is received for the property or until the board determines the property is not to be sold as provided in Section 26290.


Redemption before a collector’s deed of the property has been delivered may be made by payment in lawful money of the United States to the collector of the amount for which the property was sold plus a penalty equal to the adjusted annual rate established by the Franchise Tax Board, as provided in Section 19521 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, divided by 12 per month from the date of sale until redemption. Redemption after a collector’s deed has been delivered may only be made by payment of the total of the following amounts:


The total of the amount of the sale shown on each certificate of sale outstanding.


A penalty on each certificate of sale outstanding equal to the adjusted annual rate established by the Franchise Tax Board, as provided in Section 19521 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, divided by 12 per month from the date of sale until redemption.


An amount for each year of escaped assessment determined as follows: the assessor shall establish the assessment value for the land for each year of escaped assessment and the collector shall apply the rate fixed in that year to determine the amount of the escaped assessment.


The costs incurred in connection with recording the certificate of sale and the certificate of redemption.


The costs of publication of notice incurred in connection with the delinquency.


The costs incurred in connection with the preparation for a proposed sale of property, except that a district board may waive some or all of these costs if it determines that the circumstances support the waiver.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 26225’s source at ca​.gov