CA Veh Code Section 40250


Except where otherwise specifically provided, a violation of a statute, regulation, or ordinance governing the evasion of tolls on toll facilities under this code, under a federal or state statute or regulation, or under an ordinance enacted by a local authority including a joint powers authority, or a district organized pursuant to Part 3 (commencing with Section 27000) of Division 16 of the Streets and Highways Code is subject to a civil penalty. The enforcement of a civil penalty is governed by the civil administrative procedures set forth in this article.


Except as provided in Section 40264, the registered owner, driver, rentee, or lessee of a vehicle cited for a toll evasion violation of a toll facility, under an applicable statute, regulation, or ordinance shall be jointly and severally liable for the toll evasion penalty imposed under this article, unless the owner can show that the vehicle was used without the express or implied consent of that person. A person who pays a toll evasion penalty, a civil judgment, costs, or administrative fees pursuant to this article has the right to recover the same from the driver, rentee, or lessee.


The driver of a vehicle who is not the vehicle owner but who uses or operates the vehicle with the express or implied permission of the owner is the agent of the owner to receive a notice of a toll evasion violation served in accordance with this article and may contest the notice of violation.


If the driver of the vehicle is in violation of a statute, regulation, or ordinance governing toll evasion violations, and if the driver is arrested pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 40300) of Chapter 2, this article does not apply.


For the purposes of this article, the following definitions apply:


“Issuing agency” is an entity, public or private, authorized to collect tolls.


“Registered owner” is either of the following:


A person described in Section 505.


A person registered as the owner of the vehicle by the appropriate agency or authority of another state, the District of Columbia, or a territory or possession of the United States.

Source: Section 40250, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 40250’s source at