CA Veh Code Section 16077


The department, upon application and payment of a fifty dollar ($50) fee and a penalty fee of two hundred dollars ($200), may issue a restricted license to an applicant with serious health problems, or to an applicant with an immediate family member with serious health problems, when the applicant’s privilege to drive is otherwise suspended under this chapter. The restricted license may be issued to enable the applicant to drive a motor vehicle for the purpose of receiving medical or mental health treatments of a prolonged and repetitive nature for the applicant or the member of the applicant’s immediate family with serious health problems, if the applicant files and maintains proof of financial responsibility on file with the department pursuant to Section 16021 and there is no other suitable means of transportation available.


The application shall set forth the nature of the health problem, the nature of the treatments, the duration and location of the treatments, and the schedule for visits. The applicant shall submit documentation signed by the treating physician and surgeon or licensed psychotherapist, as defined in subdivisions (a), (b), (c), and (e) of Section 1010 of the Evidence Code, as necessary to assist the department in its decision to grant or deny the restricted license. Upon reviewing the application, the department may determine that an investigation as to the person’s fitness to operate a motor vehicle is warranted. If the department makes this determination, the department may conduct an investigation in a manner provided for in Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 13800) of Division 6.


In reviewing the application, the department shall give due consideration to the circumstances set forth in the application and shall be guided by principles of fairness and humanity.


Notwithstanding Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 42200) of Division 18, all revenues derived from the penalty fees provided in subdivision (a) shall, after deduction by the department of the costs incurred by the department in administering this section, be deposited in the Financial Responsibility Penalty Account in the General Fund.


(1)Subdivision (a) does not apply to a commercial driver’s license holder.


A commercial driver’s license holder whose driving privilege is otherwise suspended under this chapter is not entitled to a restricted license unless that person surrenders his or her commercial driver’s license and is issued a noncommercial class C or M driver’s license.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16077’s source at