CA Unemp Ins Code Section 9613


The director shall make every effort to secure to the fullest extent possible federal funds available for participation under this part and shall provide that effective and comprehensive placement and manpower information services are made available to eligible persons, both youth and adults, who are served by the department, using funds available to the department under Title III and Title IX of the Social Security Act, in accordance with a plan of service developed by the department and approved by the United States Department of Labor as required by federal law and regulations.


Under a plan of service developed by the department, funds under Title III and Title IX used for the administration of employment service offices and funds under the Manpower Development and Training Act shall be used to administer programs designed to find employment for economically displaced personnel toward the end of meeting the following goals:


Developing a broad inventory of skills of displaced workers.


Establishing labor market information systems necessary to identify the need for skills in waste disposal, power, water reclamation, sea water conversion, communications, biomedical techniques, air pollution control, and transportation systems.

Source: Section 9613, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

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