CA Unemp Ins Code Section 9608

The director shall, within each community employment development center, establish an intake system to appraise the individual needs of applicants. Each community employment development center shall provide the following services:


Job referral and labor market information services to applicants who are occupationally competitive and qualified by training or experience in the labor market. These applicants shall be encouraged to utilize self-help services.


Employment exploration and job development services to applicants who are employable but need some directed assistance in planning an effective job search or coping with minor barriers to employment. Employment exploration and job development services are designed as follows:


To prepare groups of applicants to use job referral and information services by instructing them in job finding techniques and how to initiate their own job search.


To assist applicants directly by developing job opportunities.


To provide, as necessary, usually on a one-time basis, the following services:


Contacting an employer to explain an applicant’s qualifications or limitations, such as a disability not affecting ability to work, in relation to requirements for a particular job and arranging an interview.


A more thorough appraisal of the applicant’s capabilities and desires in relation to the job market than is required of an applicant seeking only job referral and labor market information.


To arrange for short-term supplemental services.


Individual employability development and placement services to applicants who are potentially employable but are in need of more intensive services before becoming employable because they have vocational barriers due to disability, lack of skills, obsolescence of job skills, limited education, or poor work habits and attitudes. Intensive employability services shall be provided by case-responsible persons to applicants where case-responsible persons are assigned.


Through case managers or case-responsible persons, case services to applicants to the extent funds are available. Case services funds may be made available for services to the disadvantaged. “Case services” means an applicant’s expenses necessary for or incident to training or employability development and includes, but is not limited to, the following:


Medical and dental treatment necessary for employability.


Temporary child care.


Transportation costs.


Wearing apparel.


Books and supplies.


Tools and safety equipment.


Union fees.


Business license fees.

Source: Section 9608, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 9608’s source at