CA Unemp Ins Code Section 4552

An unemployed individual is eligible to receive federal-state extended benefits with respect to any week only if the director finds that:


An extended compensation claim has been established for him or her.


The week is within an extended benefit period and his or her eligibility period.


He or she meets the eligibility requirements of Part 1 (commencing with Section 100), except those excluded under subdivision (b) of Section 4002.


He or she is not subject to disqualification for normal benefits under any provision of Part 1 (commencing with Section 100). If the individual has been subject to disqualification under subdivision (b) of Section 1257, he or she has satisfied subdivision (b) of Section 1260 and, during a week following the first week of disqualification, has done either of the following:


Performed service in bona fide employment during a week on a full-time basis.


Performed service in bona fide employment during a week from which service he or she earned remuneration at least equal to his or her weekly benefit amount.


With respect to compensation payable to any individual for any week, he or she had earnings from employment subject to the provisions of this division which exceed 40 times his or her most recent weekly benefit amount or 1.5 times the highest quarter, in the base period in which he or she exhausted all rights to regular compensation.


An individual subject to disqualification under subdivision (a) of Section 1256.4 has satisfied subdivision (a) of Section 1260.


The amendments to subdivision (e) made by the act adding this subdivision shall not be implemented unless the director determines that those amendments have been approved by the United States Department of Labor. The director shall immediately seek approval of the amendments to subdivision (e) from the United States Department of Labor.

Source: Section 4552, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 4552’s source at