CA Unemp Ins Code Section 3012


Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, all money in the Disability Fund is continuously appropriated for the purpose of providing disability benefits pursuant to this part, including the payment of refunds, credits, or judgments, and interest thereon, the payment of disability benefits to all eligible persons not covered exclusively by an approved voluntary plan, and the payment of the expenses of administration of this part and Section 17061 of the Revenue and Taxation Code by the department and the Franchise Tax Board. “Eligible persons” as used in this section, means those individuals who are covered by the Disability Fund at the time his or her disability benefit period commences, or whose employment has terminated or who is in noncovered employment at the time his or her disability benefit period commences, and who is otherwise eligible for benefits under this part.


For the purpose of keeping a record of the payments to and the disbursements from the Disability Fund with respect to the payment of benefits to persons whose employment has terminated or who are in noncovered employment at the time his or her disability period commences, the director shall maintain the Unemployed Disabled Account in the Disability Fund. This account shall be credited with 12 percent of the product obtained by multiplying the rate of worker contributions as determined in Section 984, by the amount of the taxable wages paid to employees covered by voluntary plans for disability benefits for each calendar year. This account shall also be credited with an amount equal to 12 percent of the product obtained by multiplying the rate of worker contributions, as determined in Section 984, by the amount of the taxable wages paid to employees covered by the Disability Fund for each calendar year. This account shall be charged each calendar year with disbursements from the Disability Fund for the payment of benefits and the additional administrative costs of the payment of benefits to persons whose employment has terminated or who are in noncovered employment at the time his or her disability benefit period commences.

Source: Section 3012, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 3012’s source at