CA Unemp Ins Code Section 2655


Except as provided in subdivisions (b), (c), and (d), an individual’s “weekly benefit amount” shall be the amount appearing in column B in the table set forth in this subdivision on the line of which in column A of the table there appears the wage bracket containing the amount of wages paid to the individual for employment by employers during the quarter of his or her disability base period in which wages were the highest. AAmount of wages inhighest quarter BWeekly benefitamount $75–1,149.99 $50 1,150–1,174.99 51 1,175–1,199.99 52 1,200–1,224.99 53 1,225–1,249.99 54 1,250–1,274.99 55 1,275–1,299.99 56 1,300–1,324.99 57 1,325–1,349.99 58 1,350–1,374.99 59 1,375–1,399.99 60 1,400–1,424.99 61 1,425–1,449.99 62 1,450–1,474.99 63 1,475–1,499.99 64 1,500–1,524.99 65 1,525–1,549.99 66 1,550–1,574.99 67 1,575–1,599.99 68 1,600–1,624.99 69 1,625–1,649.99 70 1,650–1,674.99 71 1,675–1,699.99 72 1,700–1,724.99 73 1,725–1,749.20 74


For periods of disability commencing on or after January 1, 1990, and prior to January 1, 1991, if the amount of wages paid an individual for employment by employers during the quarter of his or her disability base period in which these wages were highest exceeds one thousand seven hundred forty-nine dollars and twenty cents ($1,749.20), the weekly benefit amount shall be 55 percent of these wages divided by 13, but not exceeding two hundred sixty-six dollars ($266) or the maximum workers’ compensation temporary disability indemnity weekly benefit amount, whichever is less. If the benefit payable under this subdivision is not a multiple of one dollar ($1), it shall be computed to the next higher multiple of one dollar ($1).


For periods of disability commencing on or after January 1, 1991, but before January 1, 2000, if the amount of wages paid an individual for employment by employers during the quarter of his or her disability base period in which these wages were highest exceeds one thousand seven hundred forty-nine dollars and twenty cents ($1,749.20), the weekly benefit amount shall be 55 percent of these wages divided by 13, but not exceeding three hundred thirty-six dollars ($336). If the benefit payable under this subdivision is not a multiple of one dollar ($1), it shall be computed to the next higher multiple of one dollar ($1).


(1)For periods of disability commencing on or after January 1, 2000, if the amount of wages paid an individual for employment by employers during the quarter of his or her disability base period in which these wages were highest exceeds one thousand seven hundred forty-nine dollars and twenty cents ($1,749.20), the weekly benefit amount shall be equal to 55 percent of these wages divided by 13, but not exceeding the maximum workers’ compensation temporary disability indemnity weekly benefit amount.


Notwithstanding the maximum workers’ compensation temporary disability indemnity weekly benefit amount of paragraph (1) of subdivision (d), if the benefit under this subdivision is not a multiple of one dollar ($1), it shall be computed to the next higher multiple of one dollar ($1).
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 2655’s source at