CA Unemp Ins Code Section 15002


The California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) shall establish a special committee known as the Green Collar Jobs Council (GCJC), comprised of the appropriate representatives from the CWIB existing membership, including the K–12 representative, the California Community Colleges representative, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development representative, the Employment Development Department representative, and other appropriate members. The GCJC may consult with other state agencies, other higher education representatives, local workforce investment boards, and industry representatives as well as philanthropic, nongovernmental, and environmental groups, as appropriate, in the development of a strategic initiative. To the extent private funds are available, is the intent of the Legislature that the GCJC will develop an annual award for outstanding achievement for workforce training programs operated by local or state agencies, businesses, or nongovernment organizations to be named after Parrish R. Collins.


As part of the strategic initiative, the GCJC shall focus on developing the framework, funding, strategies, programs, policies, partnerships, and opportunities necessary to address the growing need for a highly skilled and well-trained workforce to meet the needs of California’s emerging green economy. The GCJC shall do all of the following:


Assist in identifying and linking green collar job opportunities with workforce development training opportunities in local workforce investment areas (LWIAs), encouraging regional collaboration among LWIAs to meet regional economic demands.


Align workforce development activities with regional economic recovery and growth strategies.


Develop public, private, philanthropic, and nongovernmental partnerships to build and expand the state’s workforce development programs, network, and infrastructure.


Provide policy guidance for job training programs for the clean and green technology sectors to help them prepare specific populations, such as at-risk youth, displaced workers, veterans, formerly incarcerated individuals, and others facing barriers to employment.


Develop, collect, analyze, and distribute statewide and regional labor market data on California’s new and emerging green industries workforce needs, trends, and job growth.


Collaborate with community colleges and other educational institutions, registered apprenticeship programs, business and labor organizations, and community-based and philanthropic organizations to align workforce development services with strategies for regional economic growth.


Identify funding resources and make recommendations on how to expand and leverage these funds.


Foster regional collaboratives in the green economic sector.


The CWIB may accept any revenues, moneys, grants, goods, or services from federal and state entities, philanthropic organizations, and other sources, to be used for purposes relating to the administration and implementation of the strategic initiative, as described in subdivision (b). The CWIB shall also ensure the highest level of transparency and accountability and make information available on the CWIB Internet Web site.


Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the department may expend the moneys and revenues received pursuant to subdivision (c) for purposes related to the administration and implementation of the strategic initiative, and for the award of workforce training grants implementing the strategic initiative.

Source: Section 15002, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 15002’s source at