CA Unemp Ins Code Section 14230


It is the intent of the Legislature that:


California deliver comprehensive workforce services to jobseekers, students, and employers through a system of one-stop career centers.


Services and resources target high-wage industry sectors with career advancement opportunities.


Universal access to career services shall be available to adult residents regardless of income, education, employment barriers, or other eligibility requirements. Career services shall include, but not be limited to:


Outreach, intake, and orientation to services available through the one-stop delivery system.


Initial assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and supportive service needs.


Job search and placement assistance.


Career counseling, where appropriate.


Provision of labor market information.


Provision of program performance and cost information on eligible providers of training services and local area performance measures.


Provision of information on supportive services in the local area.


Provision of information on the filing of claims for unemployment compensation benefits and unemployment compensation disability benefits.


Assistance in establishing eligibility for welfare-to-work activities pursuant to Section 11325.8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, and financial aid assistance.


Comprehensive and specialized assessments of skill levels and service needs, including learning disability screening.


Development of individual employment plans.




Career planning.


Short-term prevocational services to prepare an individual for training or employment.


State and federally funded workforce education, training, and employment programs shall be integrated in the one-stop delivery system to achieve universal access to the career services described in paragraph (3).


Training services shall be made available to individuals who have met the requirements for career services, have been unable to obtain or retain employment through career services, are in need of training services to obtain or retain employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to, or higher than, wages from previous employment, have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in the training, and have selected a program of services directly linked to occupations in demand in the local or regional area. Training services may include:


Occupational skill training including training for nontraditional employment.


On-the-job training.


Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction.


Training programs operated by the private sector.


Skill upgrading and retraining.


Entrepreneurial training.


Incumbent worker training, in accordance with Section 134(d)(4) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


Transitional jobs, in accordance with Section 134(d)(5) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


Job readiness training, provided in combination with any service under subparagraphs (A) to (H), inclusive.


Adult education and literacy activities, including vocational English as a second language, provided in combination with subparagraphs (A) through (G), inclusive.


Customized training conducted by an employer or a group of employers or a labor-management training partnership with a commitment to employ an individual upon completion of the training.


As prescribed in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, adult recipients of public assistance, other low-income adults, and individuals who are basic skills deficient shall be given priority for training services and career services described in Section 134(d)(2)(A)(xii) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


Each local workforce development board shall establish at least one full service one-stop career center in the local workforce development area. Each full service one-stop career center shall have all entities required to be partners in Section 3151 of Title 29 of the United States Code as partners and shall provide jobseekers with integrated employment, education, training, and job search services. Additionally, employers will be provided with access to comprehensive career and labor market information, job placement, economic development information, performance and program information on service providers, and other such services as the businesses in the community may require.


Local boards may also establish affiliated and specialized centers, as defined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, which shall act as portals into the larger local one-stop system, but are not required to have all of the partners specified for full service one-stop centers.


Each local board shall develop a policy for identifying individuals who, because of their skills or experience, should be referred immediately to training services. To the extent permitted under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, this policy, along with the methods for referral of individuals between the one-stop operators and the one-stop partners for appropriate services and activities, shall be contained in the memorandum of understanding between the local board and the one-stop partners.


The California Workforce Development Board and each local board shall ensure that programs and services funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 and directed to apprenticeable occupations, including preapprenticeship training, are conducted, to the maximum extent feasible, in coordination with one or more apprenticeship programs approved by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards for the occupation and geographic area. The California Workforce Development Board and each local board shall also develop a policy of fostering collaboration between community colleges and approved apprenticeship programs in the geographic area to provide preapprenticeship training, apprenticeship training, and continuing education in apprenticeable occupations through the approved apprenticeship programs.


In light of California’s diverse population, each one-stop career center should have the capacity to provide the appropriate services to the full range of languages and cultures represented in the community served by the one-stop career center.

Source: Section 14230, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14230’s source at