CA Unemp Ins Code Section 14206

Consistent with the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the local board shall do all of the following:


In partnership with the chief elected official for the local area involved, develop and submit a local plan to the Governor that meets the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. If the local area is part of a planning region that includes other local areas, the local board shall collaborate with the other local boards and chief elected officials from such other local areas in the preparation and submission of a regional plan as described in the Workforce and Innovation and Opportunity Act.


In order to assist in the development and implementation of the local plan, the local board shall do all of the following:


Carry out analyses of the economic conditions in the region, the needed knowledge and skills for the region, the workforce in the region, and workforce development activities, including education and training, in the region described in Section 3123(b)(1)(D) of Title 29 of the United States Code, and regularly update such information.


Assist the Governor in developing the statewide workforce and labor market information system described in Section 15(e) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. Sec. 49l–2(e)), specifically in the collection, analysis, and utilization of workforce and labor market information for the region.


Conduct such other research, data collection, and analysis related to the workforce needs of the regional economy as the board, after receiving input from a wide array of stakeholders, determines to be necessary to carry out its functions.


Convene local workforce development system stakeholders to assist in the development of the local plan under Section 3123 of Title 29 of the United States Code and in identifying nonfederal expertise and resources to leverage support for workforce development activities. The local board, including standing committees, may engage such stakeholders in carrying out the functions described in this subdivision.


Lead efforts to engage with a diverse range of employers and with entities in the region involved to do all of the following:


Promote business representation, particularly representatives with optimal policymaking or hiring authority from employers whose employment opportunities reflect existing and emerging employment opportunities in the region, on the local board.


Develop effective linkages, including the use of intermediaries, with employers in the region to support employer utilization of the local workforce development system and to support local workforce investment activities.


Ensure that workforce investment activities meet the needs of employers and support economic growth in the region, by enhancing communication, coordination, and collaboration among employers, economic development entities, and service providers.


Develop and implement proven or promising strategies for meeting the employment and skill needs of workers and employers, like the establishment of industry and sector partnerships, that provide the skilled workforce needed by employers in the region, and that expand employment and career advancement opportunities for workforce development system participants in in-demand industry sectors or occupations.


With representatives of secondary and postsecondary education programs, lead efforts in the local area to develop and implement career pathways within the local area by aligning the employment, training, education, and supportive services that are needed by adults and youth, particularly individuals with barriers to employment.


Lead efforts in the local area to accomplish both of the following:


Identify and promote proven and promising strategies and initiatives for meeting the needs of employers, and workers and jobseekers, including individuals with barriers to employment, in the local workforce development system, including providing physical and programmatic accessibility, in accordance with Section 3248 of Title 29 of the United States Code, if applicable, and applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.), to the one-stop delivery system.


Identify and disseminate information on proven and promising practices carried out in other local areas for meeting these needs.


Develop strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce development system for employers, and workers and jobseekers, by doing all of the following:


Facilitating connections among the intake and case management information systems of the one-stop partner programs to support a comprehensive workforce development system in the local area.


Facilitating access to services provided through the one-stop delivery system involved, including facilitating the access in remote areas.


Identifying strategies for better meeting the needs of individuals with barriers to employment, including strategies that augment traditional service delivery, and increase access to services and programs of the one-stop delivery system, such as improving digital literacy skills.


Leveraging resources and capacity within the local workforce development system, including resources and capacity for services for individuals with barriers to employment.


In partnership with the chief elected official for the local area, shall conduct oversight for local youth workforce investment activities as required under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, ensure the appropriate use and management of the funds as required under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and, for workforce development activities, ensure the appropriate use, management, and investment of funds to maximize performance outcomes as required under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.


Negotiate and reach agreement on local performance accountability measures, as described in Section 3141(c) of Title 29 of the United States Code, with the chief elected official and the Governor.


Select and provide access to system operators, service providers, trainers, and educators, in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and applicable state laws, including all of the following:


Consistent with Section 3151(d) of Title 29 of the United States Code, and with the agreement of the chief elected official for the local area, designate or certify one-stop operators as described in Section 3151(d)(2)(A) of Title 29 of the United States Code and terminate for cause the eligibility of these operators.


Consistent with Section 3153 of Title 29 of the United States Code, identify eligible providers of youth workforce investment activities in the local area by awarding grants or contracts on a competitive basis, except as provided in Section 3153(b) of Title 29 of the United States Code, based on the recommendations of the youth standing committee, if such a committee is established for the local area and terminate for cause the eligibility of these providers.


Consistent with Section 3152 of Title 29 of the United States Code and paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 14020, identify eligible providers of training services in the local area.


If the one-stop operator does not provide career services described in Section 3174(c)(2) of Title 29 of the United States Code in a local area, identify eligible providers of those career services in the local area by awarding contracts.


Consistent with Section 3152 of Title 29 of the United States Code and paragraphs (2) and (3) of Section 3174(c) of Title 29 of the United States Code, work with the state to ensure there are sufficient numbers and types of providers of career services and training services, including eligible providers with expertise in assisting individuals with disabilities and eligible providers with expertise in assisting adults in need of adult education and literacy activities, serving the local area and providing the services involved in a manner that maximizes consumer choice, as well as providing opportunities that lead to competitive integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.


Consistent with the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, coordinate activities with education and training providers in the local area, including providers of workforce development activities, providers of adult education and literacy activities under Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, providers of career and technical education, as defined in Section 2302 of Title 20 of the United States Code, and local agencies administering plans under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sec. 720 et seq.), other than Section 112 or Part C of that Title (29 U.S.C. Sec. 732, 741).

Source: Section 14206, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14206’s source at