CA Unemp Ins Code Section 14017


In efforts to expand job training and employment for allied health professions, the California Workforce Development Board, in consultation with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, shall do the following:


Identify opportunities for “earn and learn” job training opportunities that meet the industry’s workforce demands and that are in high-wage, high-demand jobs.


Identify and develop specific requirements and qualifications for entry into “earn and learn” job training models.


Establish standards for “earn and learn” job training programs that are outcome oriented and accountable. The standards shall measure the results from program participation, including a measurement of how many complete the program with an industry-recognized credential that certifies that the individual is ready to enter the specific allied health profession for which he or she has been trained.


Develop means to identify, assess, and prepare a pool of qualified candidates seeking to enter “earn and learn” job training models.


(1)The board, on or before December 1, 2015, shall prepare and submit to the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature a report on the findings and recommendations of the board.


The requirement for submitting a report imposed pursuant to this subdivision is inoperative on January 1, 2019, pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code.

Source: Section 14017, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14017’s source at