CA Unemp Ins Code Section 14003


Grants or contracts awarded under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, codified in Chapter 32 (commencing with Section 3101) of Title 29 of the United States Code, or any other state or federally funded workforce development program, may not be awarded to organizations that are owned or operated as pervasively sectarian organizations.


Grants or contracts awarded under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, codified in Chapter 32 (commencing with Section 3101) of Title 29 of the United States Code, or any other state or federally funded workforce development program, shall comply with Section 4 of Article I and Section 5 of Article XVI of the California Constitution, state and federal civil rights laws, and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution in regard to pervasively sectarian organizations. These legal constraints include prohibitions on the discrimination against beneficiaries and staff based on protected categories and on the promoting of religious doctrine to advance sectarian beliefs.

Source: Section 14003, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 14003’s source at